Taking CBD oil: CBD bioavailability according to administration methods

In the world of cannabidiol (CBD) products, you need to understand how each delivery method works to take full advantage of the potential benefits. The CBD bioavailability depends largely on how it is consumed, with different routes offering varying rates of absorption.

Some of the main methods of administration are unmistakable, representing the advantages and disadvantages of each. One relationship favors the route used and the bioavailability of CBD. So, choose the best method of administration that's right for you, while respecting the optimal dosage.

Common administration methods

Administration methods generally fall into four categories: oral, sublingual, topical and inhalation. Each category has its own particularities that affect the way CBD is absorbed by our bodies, which can impact the overall effectiveness of the product.

Oral administration: ingest CBD oil

One of the most popular ways to consumeCBD oil is ingested orally in the form of capsules, lozenges or even paste. This method is simple and discreet, as it allows for easy dosing. the amount of CBD consumed and requires no specialized equipment.

The bioavailability of CBD oil ingested orally is often between 4% and 20%. This means that much of the CBD may not be absorbed effectively. This is due to the digestion process: CBD oil must pass through the liver, where it is broken down, before entering the bloodstream.

Sublingual administration: place CBD oil under the tongue

The sublingual method involves placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue and holding for around 60 seconds before swallowing. This allows CBD to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. via the oral mucosaIt bypasses the digestive system and liver.

Studies show that the bioavailability of CBD administered sublingually varies considerably depending on the formulation, but can be high. This is clearly superior to oral administration, making it a more effective option for those seeking optimize CBD absorption.

Topical use: direct application to the skin

Topical CBD products are specially designed to be applied directly to the skin. Visit creams, lotions, balms or ointmentsThey enable CBD to be applied locally, targeting specific areas of the body for potential relief of muscle or joint pain.

The bioavailability of CBD in topical products is difficult to quantify, as it largely depends on the composition of the product. CBD is not systematically absorbed into the body via this method. This means that it does not penetrate deeply into the skin, and mainly affects peripheral tissues rather than passing into the body. blood circulation.

Inhalation: smoking CBD oil

Inhaling CBD via an electronic cigarette or vaporizer is another popular method of administration. The effect is rapid, as CBD is rapidly absorbed by the lungs and enters the bloodstream directly.

The bioavailability of CBD when inhaled can reach up to 56% and for an icerock with 88% of CBDThis makes it one of the most effective methods of absorbing CBD. But regular use of this method raises concerns about long-term lung safety.

cbd oils

Comparison of bioavailability rates

The efficiency with which CBD is absorbed and used by the body is highly dependent on the route of administration chosen. By inhalation, CBD rapidly enters the system with a high high bioavailability. On the other hand, oral intake reduces bioavailability, as the liver filters out some of the CBD before it reaches the general circulation.

The sublingual and transdermal routes are known for their ability to bypass this hepatic process, resulting in higher bioavailability than ingestion. Understanding these nuances is crucial to maximizing therapeutic benefits of CBD and ensure greater cost-effectiveness for the user.

Appropriate usage scenarios for each method

The proportion of CBD that reaches in the blood and becomes active changes according to these previous administration methods. Here are some examples of use for each method:

  • Inhalation: Perfect for immediate effect, recommended for sudden pain or stress, with an approximate bioavailability of 31%.
  • Oral: Ideal for long-term effects, this method offers bioavailability of 6%, limited by hepatic processing. Convenient for regular consumption.
  • Sublingual: Drops placed under the tongue ensure bioavailability of up to 35%, for a rapid, sustained effect, without the inconvenience of inhalation.
  • Transdermal: Cutaneous applications, such as patches or creams, provide fluctuating but constant bioavailability, ideal for localized or persistent pain.

Each method offers distinct advantages, and the choice must be made according to the user's particular requirements and circumstances. Understanding these rates is essential to tailoring CBD use and maximizing well-being. .

cbd oils and capsules
cbd oils and capsules

Factors influencing CBD bioavailability

Apart from the method of administration, other factors can impact the bioavailability of CBD such as:

  • CBD quality The quality of the CBD product used plays an essential role in its absorption by our bodies. Low-quality CBD extracts may be less bioavailable than high-quality products, so opt for reputable, reliable brands.
  • CBD concentration The concentration of the product used influences bioavailability. A product highly concentrated in CBD will require less material to digest to reach an effective dose.
  • Encapsulation technology Some encapsulation technologies, such as antepulsions, increase the water solubility of CBD, thereby improving its bioavailability.

Choosing the best administration method for you

Choosing the right CBD delivery method is crucial and must be aligned with your personal needs and lifestyle. Here are some tips to guide your decision:

  • For immediate effectInhalation is ideal, especially in cases of unexpected pain or intense stress.
  • If you're aiming for an effect that unfolds slowly, but lasts longer, oral ingestion is recommended. This is a simple, discrete method for regular use.
  • For those seeking rapid action without the inconvenience of inhalation, sublingual administration is suggested.
  • For targeted relief or continuous release, transdermal forms such as patches or creams are preferable.

Optimum dosage depending on the method chosen

For optimal use of CBD, dosage varies according to the method of administration:

  • Inhalation: Start with a small amount and build up slowly until you feel the desired effects.
  • Oral: Usual doses range from 5 mg to 20 mg per day. We recommend starting with a minimum dose and adjusting according to results.
  • Sublingual: The typical quantities range from 10 mg to 25 mg. Adaptation must be personalized according to the effects felt.
  • Transdermal or topical: Standard doses for patches range from 10 mg to 20 mg, adjustable according to perceived efficacy and personal tolerance.

Feel free to consult a health care professional before starting CBD treatment for advice on the method and dosage best suited to your medical situation and health goals. Your comfort, ease of use and discretion are key factors in the choice of CBD administration method.
